The MILLE project
The European Green Deal highlights the importance of raw materials for innovation and the adoption of clean and sustainable technologies. This industrial transformation puts the environment, social responsibility and efficient governance at the centre of business models. The transition will take place towards clean energy technologies, automation and electrification in all elements of raw material supply chains. fostering the circular economy and sustainable design to improve the quality of life of Europeans.
EIT RawMaterials, the world's largest raw materials consortium, facilitates innovation and collaboration between business, academia, research and investment. The MILLE project focuses on the importance of Lifelong Learning and a human-centred approach to achieve the EU's social goals for 2030 concerning adult education and employment. MILLE will design and organise a coherent set of lifelong learning activities, covering two thematic pillars of the EIT RawMaterials.
• Design for Circularity and Ecodesign concepts, with a view to a more intensive application of these concepts in real products and production processes;
• Chain-of-Custody and Traceability methodologies, to extend design approaches taking into account raw materials and advanced materials and their role in the transition to the green economy.
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