English language test for enrolled students

If your study plan foresees a 3 CFU course unit in “English Language B2”, you can validate this course unit either by taking a test or by asking for recognition of a valid English language certificate.
Please carefully check the Course list of your Degree Programme for your enrolment year, in order to verify if these procedures apply to you.

  Validating your course unit through an English language test

  • Bachelor’s Degree Programmes

Most Engineering Bachelor’s Degree Programmes will require you to validate a 3 CFU course unit in “English Language B2 (Receptive Skills)”.
You can validate this course unit by taking the corresponding Language Ability Test (TAL) provided by the University Language Centre (CLA).
You can take this exam in one of the various exam sessions available. You can book your exam on the dedicated registration page. Once on the page, select “TAL B2 receptive skills - English” and choose your preferred time frame to take the exam.
For further information, please refer to the University Language Centre (CLA).

  • Master’s Degree Programmes

Most Engineering Master’s Degree Programmes will require you to validate a 3 CFU course unit in “English Language B2 (Productive Skills)”.
You can validate this course unit by taking the corresponding Language Ability Test (TAL) provided by the University Language Centre (CLA).
You can take this exam during one of the various exam sessions available. You can book your exam on the dedicated registration page. Once on the page, select “TAL B2 productive skills - English” and choose your preferred time frame to take the exam.
For further information, please refer to the University Language Centre (CLA).

  Validating your course unit through recognition of a language certificate

If you hold a valid English language certificate, you can also validate the 3 CFU course unit by asking for recognition of your certificate.

Please check carefully whether your English language certificate is eligible for recognition by consulting the list approved by our University Language Centre (CLA): Table of approved language certifications

Kindly note that certificates older than two years might still be considered valid. To ask for recognition of your certificate, follow the procedure specified on the page recognition of language certificates.

Please be aware that requests for recognition can only be forwarded during specific periods during the year as listed on the page mentioned above. Below you can find a summary of the procedure:

How to request recognition of your language certificate

The request for recognition must be submitted by opening a ticket via the dedicated platform. It is necessary to log in with your e-mail credentials and select Area Didattica e Servizi agli studenti – GESTIONE LIBRETTO UNIVERSITARIO > Riconoscimento Certificazioni Linguistiche Esterne and then Scuola di Ingegneria (School of Engineering).

You need to attach to the ticket one single file in PDF/A format. In order to prepare this document, please follow the steps below:

  1. download the form "modulo debitamente compilato" and fill it in with your data: fill in your name, surname, student number, place and date of birth, your contacts and your address. Specify your enrolment year and degree programme name and select “per i riconoscimenti previsti, all’interno del proprio percorso di studi, per la prova di lingua”
  2. pay 16 Euros through the portale PagoPA:
    - click on the portale PagoPA link
    - select "Voluntary payment"
    - fill in your name and surname and your VAT Number "Codice fiscale"
    - select "Payment Reason" DIDA08 - Stamp duty - Recognition/Equivalence
    - fill in the 16 euros amount
    - select "Start online payment" to pay online
    - click on "download receipt" to download the payment receipt
  3. prepare one pdf file in format PDF/A including:
    - the completed form
    - a front-back copy of your English language certificate
    - the receipt of payment of the 16 € PagoPA

Please note that you should send one PDF document including all the above-mentioned documents.